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Bonny Billy and Marquis De Tren featuring the Monkey Boys / 2001

Will Oldham, Paul Oldham, Mick Turner and Jim White. Tour only CD, 500 pressed.
As good as it sounds. Meandering and fragile melodies from 66.66% of the Dirty Three, with Oldham's plaintive lyrics adapted from Rabindranath Tagore’s book of devotional poetry, Gitanjal.
Beautiful late night melancholy to sweep you into a trance like state.



  1. PoWeR sHeRlOcK said...:

    just reminded me of ohio river boat song "when it's time from work to go...."

    something else: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89Kz8Nxb-Bg&feature=player_embedded

  1. Bonner said...:

    Yeah I went to that, it's great. Go in the week if you don't want to queue for hours. When I was there the finches got obsessed with trying to nick some girl's laces out of her yellow shoes. She had about 10 on each foot.