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World Industries...

Documentary about the rise of tin-pot Skateboard mogul Steve Rocco, whose company 'World Industries' and it's cohorts (Blind, Plan B, 101, Foundation) were instrumental in revolutionising the skate industry, away from the vert riding skulls n' daggers stench of the 80's and giving the kids what they'd wanted: proper street skating, good design aesthetics and unorthodox ad campaign's.

The Man Who Souled The World (2007)...

Skate Video Days compilation posted way back...



  1. Stiles said...:

    thats strange it cutting out, cos my sticky old G4 powerbook usually can't even stream youtube but this was perfect all the way for me?

  1. it cut right before the end saying i'd "exceeded the limit of viewing" or some such nonsense, but you can resume it in an hour i guess?

    either way classic shit, i feel like a lot of people (myself included) forgot that world was a lot more than the kids stuff they churned out so hard at the end. thanks for posting this, excellent viewing.

    now if only it wasn't pouring rain so i could skate...

  1. Khaos[] said...:

    I'm not into skateboarding or anything but this is a really interesting and well made documentary, thanks for sharing!

  1. illformation said...:

    Finally got to the happy end. I always liked that dude but had no idea of the whole story; inspirational. I had one of those shitty Lucero boards back in the day, fond memories of endless slappies, until it broke. Blind wood wasn't much better when they first came out either.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    The link to the video didn't work for me either, you can see a preview of 'The Man who souled the world' on youtube if not the whole thing by now...awesome clips from that era.

  1. Sombrero_man said...:

    omg it's that bloke off the telly.

  1. ryan somers said...:

    thanks for posting this. great flick! reminds of the old days. shit, i want to go back and watch 'video daze' and 'questionable' over and over again...