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Black Metal Owns You...


EgoNoir - Vergänglich
Kriegsmaschine - Altered States Of Divinity
Lutomysl - Under Moning Stars as a Bloody Dew...
C.Y.T - Le Sacrifice De L'Égo
The Horn - Spell 29a: for not taking away the heart of one whose conduct has been vindicated in the Realm of the Dead
Anal Vomit - Prevail the Cult
Bloodoline - Scorn
Nihil Nocturne - Entheogen
Vortex Of End - Injekt / Endoktrinate
Manticore - Sodomy In the Womb of Paradise
Dark Tribe - Ripping
Verge - Imprisoned
Haxan - Conjuror Of The Spectral Abyss
Murw - Geen Weg Meer Terug Dus Recht Door Zee
Hesperia - Tragoidia Didonis (Aeneidos: Liber IV, scaenae XII-XXI)
Malveillance - Nuit d'Hiver
Nuit Noire - Tourbillon
Diapsiquir - Untitled
Martyrdöd - Gloria Runt Iris
Acherontas - Kornugia
Blood Red Fog - Hang Above The Soil
Merrimack - Eresia
Ghremdrakk - Geselvaart
Servile Sect - Into the Bloom
Avichi - Aeonic Disintegration
Empty - The Spectral Paleness Of The Skin
The Shadow Order - The Harvest of Deceit
IC Rex - Alisen maailman virroissa
Vrolok - Radiance
Vordr - Raging Rapids
Trayjen - Enclave of the immortal
Regnum - Scherben


(Thanks go to Khaos)

Attila The Hun


  1. Anonymous said...:

    egg noir?

  1. E.Coppers said...:

    With summer ending and fall about to hit with turning leaves and colder weather and blah blah blah...I need my BLACK METAL fix and this does it and then some. The styles are all over the place and I love it!!! It makes for some great driving music and for those pensive long walks. Thanks!!!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    fuck that is such a good picture