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Robert Welch of The John Birch Society in 1974 quoting from a speech he made in 1958 about the criminal insider policies of The U.S./U.N. agenda; privatisation and the merging from within the establishment of banks, private foundations/corporations, think tanks and other non-governmental organisations. Ultimately gaining control socially, geopolitically and economically. Eerily reminiscent of todays state of affairs.


  1. Anonymous said...:

    More like eerily stupid. It really is a shame that confused nonsense like this continues to substitute for serious, and absolutely necessary institutional analysis and critique. I especially love how he gets from the (very real) financialization and neoliberalization of the global economy (which by the time of this speech had only just begun) to an "international communist conspiracy" in one step. It's moments like this when I remember that ideology has long been emptied of any real content in American political discourse (liberal ergo socialist ergo communist ergo fascist, etc. ad absurdum, ad infinitum). Next time stick to serious commentary, and let the candy makers stick to Sugar Daddies and Junior Mints. By the way, I typically do enjoy your blog!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I agree with the above. It is commentary such as Welch's that fuel doubt in the mind of people already too skeptical about the reality of the state of things today and this is counter productive. It also arms others with a 'this is the shit these crackpots believe' argument. I say here here too, I also typically love your blog.

  1. Stiles said...:

    Woa... woa... chill Farrakhan! I don't agree with the wishy washy politics of The John Birch Society by any means and yeah theres holes in it, i posted it simply because its quite profound how certain issues have come to light and its strange to hear it said back then but don't take me to court over it! For fucks sake even music blogs and daily life for the majority is counter productive, i mean alot of folks visiting this blog don't care at all about the cloak of fascism being pulled over their eyes do they? When reality finally kicks in that the governments have squandered their shit money, concocted wars, riddled us all with chemicals in food and water causing/creating awful ailments and disease, well it will be the final furlong and they'll be in tears of repentance as they get cattle prodded into a mass grave with all their loved ones. Screaming with the epiphany of utter neglect, wishing they'd done more with their insular little lives than download music, buy clothes and stuff Sugar Daddies and Junior Mints into their rotten guts.
    I love people but most really don't care at all whats going on and its turned out to be the biggest problem we face so hence stupid videos like this.

    At least there's comments here, cheers!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I think really what he's talking about is the movement by government and NGO organisations to capitalise the world in the name of freetrade. When in the long term, government intervention in the economy can tend to be unfair (especially when members of the government conspire to profit from such intervention) and the result is that we move closer towards a fully polarised world economy. You know when you start off playing monopoly everyone's in the game and by the end there's one man standing. That's the kind of thing he's getting at when he refers to minority that are bent on power. The ill's of this world do exist and often they exist as the result of corruption. The corruption of ideals such as communism and the freemarket and everything in betweeen. Surely the bottom line is social responsibility, and Robert Welch is is voicing his concerns with regard to this and thanks to this blog I have heard his concerns.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Didn't mean to take you to court - my naive and built in positive streak gets the better of me and thinks that there's a way to instigate some kind of swift, short term alleviation of the suffering the utter neglect causes so many humble souls - mostly elsewhere from the hives of neglect. Which in turn could give some kind of platform to begin rearranging the jigsaw puzzle into a more beautiful picture than the caddle prodded mass grave procession. And I often want everyone to have the same rose tinted glasses on... Clearly too many Sugar Daddies and Junior Mints in my gut already.