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The Crucifucks s/t (Alternative Tentacles, 1985)...

Formed in Lansing, Michigan in 1982, this debut LP was recorded in 1984 and released in 1985 on Jello Biafra's Alternative Tentacles label. Wisconsin followed in 1987, also on Alternative Tentacles. The band's trademarks are Doc Dart's excessively whiny voice and their blatantly anti-authoritarian lyrics, often rife with obscure and perverse humor. The band made a point of going beyond the pale in terms of lyrical content, attempting to be as offensive as possible. Their lack of mainstream success likely saved them from substantial legal action and high-profile controversy, the song "Cops for Fertilizer" does not mince words: "So kill the next policeman who gets in your way/ It'll set a good example for the children today". Many of their other songs are similarly harsh, attacking the American government (and America in general), and religion, particularly Christianity in an effort to drive home the point that blind faith in anything, be it patriotism or religion, is bad. Their song "Hinckley had a Vision" even advocated the killing of then President Ronald Reagan. (Wiki and Alternative Tentacles)

You know... for kids! (and Doc Darts laugh.)

(This comes on 'Our Will Be Done' cd along with the 2nd LP Wisconsin (which is available back in the archives) but i separated the two for obvious reasons, well mostly so you'd actually listen to this one on its own.)


Doc Dart article by Sam McPheeters HERE


  1. RyGar said...:

    I love this damn record. I think I've put "Oh, Where. Oh, Where" on every mixtape/burned CD I've ever made for anyone. I love the phone calls and news report samples on side A. I'm not as into Wisconsin, or LD Eye, but this record is such a gem.

  1. shipwreck said...:

    this band is awesome. its a nice refresher to why i started hating all that stuff they sing about.

  1. ganjai said...:

    doesn't steve shelley play on this?

  1. Anonymous said...:

    i'm not downloading, 'cause i have it already (physical copy, not virtual), but dude, this is a total classic.

    some of the best lyrics ever.

    i read somewhere that their vocalist is some millionaire's son, and choose to told his dad to fuck off and formed the band, dude was (is he alive yet?) a total lunatic.

    sorry for the lame english


  1. joe said...:

    oops that link didnt work. here, i'll put in the url section thingie here. seriously, read this. doc dart's story is insane.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    please do, thanks

  1. Stiles said...:


  1. J. Hyde said...:

    This is the one I meant when I said "Steve Fucking Shelley" on the Wisconsin post. I'm just a little late, as usual.

  1. Stiles said...:


  1. Anonymous said...:

    "Hinkley Had a Vision", now that takes me back to the 80's, blasting that in my car, except when the Secret Service was drinking in town, while chopped wood at this ranch.
    -the old punk