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The Crucifucks - Wisconsin (Alternative Tentacles, 1987)...

Doc Corbin Dart




  1. J. Hyde said...:

    Steve fucking Shelley...

  1. Stiles said...:

    i think he played on the first album not this one?

  1. Aesop said...:

    This is a deep deep record.

  1. kevinass said...:

    avez vous 'patricia', by herr dr.? s'good!

  1. little wrought said...:

    i can't tell you how much of a synchronicity this post is - great album. the backwards talking heard partway through the record is a radio host announcing that Doc Dart from Lansing has won a competition by correctly identifying ELO's Do Ya

  1. Lo-Res Viscera said...:

    Sooo fuuucking abrasive.

    (I "humped" Steve Shelley's little sister in junior college).