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CROM - The Cocaine Wars 1974 - 1989 (Pessimiser, 2001)...

L.A.'s kings of grindcore first full length (after a shitload of comps and 7"s). Heavy and noisy and totally hilarious. From the airbrushed cocaine/Conan the Barbarian 70's-van art cover, to the ridiculous between song banter (lifted from Venom and others) to the sort-of-appropriation of metal classics and 70's am radio hits that occasionally surface between bursts of all out grind, this record fucking rules. Think Crossed Out but not as slower and sloppier, or think Man Is The Bastard with a sense of humor -AQ



  1. winslow said...:

    this album is real good. such an odd niche they fill; scatterbraincore maybe.

    also, your header image keeps getting weirder and weirder

  1. Bakla said...:

    I enjoyed their recent interview in Razorcake so I thought I should check From out, good stuff!