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Joakim Skogsberg - Jola Rota, 1971 (Tiliqua , 2008)...

Swedish-forest-folk hippie ritual mixed with droned-out psych guitar. Truly strange, and captivating, vocal mumble (“Jolor”, a special singing style with roots in an ancient Swedish tradition of folk music). And, get this, it was actually mostly recorded out in a forest, on portable reel-to-reel gear! Once out of the woods, the recordings were overdubbed (Skogsberg being responsible for all sounds on this album) in studio, but remain quite raw, the mystery and majesty of northern landscapes, dark shadowy places, placid lakes, tall trees and moss-covered rocks utterly alive in the music of the nature-loving Skogsberg - AQ




  1. J. Hyde said...:

    gone, gone, gone...got Cave: run like devil?

  1. J. Hyde said...:

    it's hunt...aw, dammit, it's hunt.

  1. troyanwhoress said...:

    i'd like to ask the same question as michelle did...