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Lux Nova Umbra Est - Light IS THE NEW DARK (2004)...

The general musical style of LVX NOVA UMBRA EST is perhaps best described as 'dark progressive rock': 'Dark' for its of octatonic, eastern, or otherwise largely dissonant melodic and harmonic materials;'progressive' for its frequent employment of asymmetric meters and other complex rhythmic structures as well as occasional ambient textures; and 'rock' for the bone-crushing distorted riffage and solid funk grooves which threaten to contort even the most stoic of souls in transcendental, ego-erasing musical shame and ecstasy - Lux Nova Umbra Est

Contains members of Djam Karet, Controlling Hand & MITB.



  1. Anonymous said...:

    what a dorky band name

  1. Batguano said...:

    I walked in on this band's set (I think they played with Le Scrawl) not knowing anything about them... until I recognized the bass player. Needless to say, the rhythm section destroys!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Hey I have the feeling that you might be able to connect me with Kenyon. I am an old and trusted friend.

  1. Stiles said...:

    try rhino records in claremont, ca. i think he works there (909) 626 7774