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Slightly better vinyl rips of Neanderthal's official releases, minus the bootlegs:

Fighting Music 7" (Slap A Ham, 1990)
Crawl ('Head Side', Recorded At "The Cave" 10-89)
Brain Tourniquet ('Split Organ Side', Recorded At "The Cave" 2-90)
Mind Eraser
Kill, Eat And Breed

split 7” w/ Rorschach (Vermiform, 1991)
Fighting Music (Let The Games Begin)

v/a Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - The Record 7" (Vermiform, 1991)
Built For Brutality

"West Coast Power Violence"



The first 4 demos:

Sick Disgust Eternal (Demo I 1988) 1-3
Sexual Mutilation (Demo II 1989) 4-7
Anatomia Corporis Humani (Demo III 1989) 8-11
Autopsied (Demo IV 1989) 12-14

Some old-school Death Metal from Sweden. Known in '86 for their demo under the name of Corpse, the drummer and guitarist were then in a band called Putrefaction until they got back together and became Grave. Check out the illustrious first LP 'Into The Grave' from '91 also.



Two men having a conversation over dinner. For the whole film.

André: Okay! Yes! We're bored! We're all bored now! But has it ever occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brain-washing, created by a world totalitarian government based on money? And that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks? And it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say "no"? See, I keep meeting these people, I mean, uh, just a few days ago I met this man whom I greatly admire, he's a Swedish physicist, Gustav Björnstrand? And he told me that he no longer watches television, he doesn't read newspapers and he doesn't read magazines. He's completely cut them out of his life, because he really does feel that we're living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare now, and that everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot!

And when I was at Findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert, who had devoted his life to saving trees. He just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the redwoods? He's eighty-four years old and he always travels with a back-pack 'cause he never knows where he's gonna be tomorrow! And when I met him at Findhorn he said to me: "Where are you from?" And I said: "New York." He said: "Ah, New York! Yes, that's a very interesting place. Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave but never do?" And I said: "Oh, yes!" And he said: "Why do you think they don't leave?" I gave him different banal theories. He said: "Oh, I don't think it's that way at all." He said: "I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they've built, they've built their own prison. And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia, where they are both guards and prisoners. And as a result they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they've made, or to even see it as a prison. And then he went into his pocket and he took out a seed for a tree, and he said: "This is a pine tree." He put it in my hand and he said: "Escape, before it's too late."

You see, actually, for two or three years now Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out. No, we really should feel like Jews in Germany in the late thirties? Get out of here! Of course, the problem is where to go, 'cause it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction. You see, I think it's quite possible that the nineteen-sixties represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished. And that this is the beginning of the rest of the future now, and that from now on there'll simply be all these robots walking around, feeling nothing, thinking nothing. And there'll be nobody left almost to remind them that there once was a species called a human being, with feelings and thoughts. And that history and memory are right now being erased, and soon nobody will really remember that life existed on the planet!

Now, of course, Björnstrand feels that there's really almost no hope. And that we're probably going back to a very savage, lawless, terrifying period. Findhorn people see it a little differently. They're feeling that there'll be these "pockets of light" springing up in different parts of the world, and that these will be in a way invisible planets on this planet, and that as we, or the world, grow colder, we can take invisible space journeys to these different planets, refuel for what it is we need to do on the planet itself, and come back. And it's their feeling that there have to be centers, now, where people can come and reconstruct a new future for the world. And when I was talking to Gustav Björnstrand, he was saying that actually, these centers are growing up everywhere now! And that what they're trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do, and in a way what I was trying to do...I mean, these things can't be given names, but in a way, these are all attempts at creating a new kind of school, or a new kind of monastery. And Björnstrand talks about the concept of reserves, islands of safety, where history can be remembered, and the human being can continue to function in order to maintain the species through a dark age.

In other words we're talking about an underground, which did exist in a different way during the Dark Ages among the mystical orders of the Church. And the purpose of this underground is to find out how to preserve the light, life, the culture. How to keep things living. You see, I keep thinking that what we need is a new language, a language of the heart, languages in the Polish forest where language wasn't needed. Some kind of language between people that is a new kind of poetry, that's the poetry of the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is. And I think that in order to create that language, you're going to have to learn how you can go through a looking glass into another kind of perception, where you have that sense of being united to all things. And suddenly, you understand everything.

Watch My Dinner With André (1981)



LIVE on KXLU LP (Deep Six, 2001)

Recorded for L.A. radio show "The Full Throated Ordeal" July 1st, 1991.

Shackled Down / Mankind / Judge Me / Blinded / Nothing's Changed / Once Lost / Speak Easy / Kill The Peace / Excess Pig / Why Don't You / Sick And Tired / Just Act Blind / Seen It All Before / Slave / Pickled / Sicko / Break The Chain / My World My Way





Rave New World


via Nero


Bizzarro Necro

TULUS - Pure Black Energy (1996)

Black metal from Norway, formed in '93. Went onto become Khold. Has its odd chamber moments and some unorthodox bass lines that might seem out of place on a generic Black Metal recording but then i wouldn't say this is generic... its generally sick


John Jacob Niles

"A Mephistophelean character out of North Carolina, he hammered away at some harplike instrument and sang in a bone chilling soprano voice. Niles was eerie and illogical, terrifically intense and gave you goosebumps. Definitely a switched-on character, almost like a sorcerer. Niles was otherworldly and his voice raged with strange incantations." Bob Dylan

"Over coffee and liqueurs we would sometimes listen to John Jacob Niles' recordings. Our favorite was 'I Wonder As I Wander,' sung in a clear, high-pitched voice with a quaver and a modality all his own. The metallic clang of his dulcimer never failed to produce ecstasy. He had a voice which summoned memories of Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere. There was something of the Druid in him. Like a psalmist, he intoned his verses in an ethereal chant which the angels carried aloft to the Glory seat. When he sang of Jesus, Mary and Joseph they became living presences. A sweep of the hand and the dulcimer gave forth magical sounds which caused the stars to gleam more brightly, which peopled the hills and meadows with silvery figures and made the brooks to babble like infants. We would sit there long after his voice had faded out, talking of Kentucky where he was born, talking of the Blue Ridge mountains and the folk from Arkansas..."
Henry Miller

My Precarious Life In The Public Domain (aka Folk Balladeer) 1948

Photographs from 1943

more here



The Mysterious Monster (1976)

Playlist | Part 2


Crowd trouble

Heaven is knowing who You are







Skull Theft

Way Slower

(tracklist in comments)




Good Boston compilation from 1983 by the Conflict fanzine ran by Gerard Cosloy who also ran Homestead records and part owner of Matador. A differing mix of bands and styles... hardcore, post-punk and alt-rock, from a time when 'alternative' meant something different than it does now.

via the great PAY NO MORE THAN blog


The Fear Of Smell

v/a Fear Of Smell (Vermiform, 1993)


Vermiform Records

Hand drawn cover taken from Fear Of Smell blog


Clikatat Ikatowi

San Diego Artcore

Live '95




The King Of Kong:

A Fistful Of Quarters (2007)

part 2 +

I wanted to be a hero, I wanted to be the center of attention. I wanted the glory... I wanted the fame. I wanted the pretty girls to come at me and say 'Hi! I see that your good at Centipede?'



"Breathe deep it in"

An old classic from my bookmarks, this twat gets owned by Salvia Divinorum



Feel My Hate - The Power Is The Weight (1993)

...Following this initial euphoria, the user goes "on the nod," an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. Mental functioning becomes clouded due to the depression of the central nervous system. Other effects included slowed and slurred speech, slow gait, constricted pupils, droopy eyelids, impaired night vision, vomiting, constipation.

Sludge/Doom à la Smack Blabbath





A trip to a folk club in 1963 inspired the skinny, young Teesside [?] lad to pick up a guitar and learn the songs he was hearing, many from his Irish mother. After completing his apprenticeship at ICI (one of the largest chemical producers in the world) in 1969, he hit the road and spent six months playing for free drinks and tips in bars along the Mediterranean. Vin decided early in his career that he was going to sing in his native Teesside accent. In fact, the first song he wrote was called 'In me dirty, purple working shirt', a study of the Teesside vernacular, 'Me derty, perple, werkin', shert'.